Monday, June 8, 2015

4 Benefits of Stainless Steel Hose in Industrial Applications

The advantage of flexible stainless steel PTFE hoses is that they can be applied in many different applications including process and automation lines, filling equipment and fire suppression systems. They require to have the strength and durability for long lasting use without being corrosive to elements.


1. Good material traceability
Hose fittings are found on coiled flexible steel hoses that hang when not in use. When in use, the hoses are uncoiled to stretch out so that the hose fitting can reach their longest distance. A long steel hose would be used in commercial applications, e.g. manufacturing floors, bottling plants, tire manufacturing plants.

2. High temperature resistance
Restaurants make frequent use of flexible stainless steel hose in their, spray cleaners, and drainage systems and in their deep fryer systems. The hoses are used for manual and automatic dishwashers requiring high pressure and hot water cleaning. The temperature resistance is very high and able to satisfy the extreme disinfecting hot temperatures needed for cleaning.

3. High corrosion resistance
Restaurants use the hot water rather than detergents that are costly and go down drains. The high temperature water cleaners must be long lasting and durable. The PTFE liner won't corrode under high water usage.

4. Ability to withstand high pressures
At industrial applications, flexible stainless steel PTFE hose supports Tire manufacturing systems with flexible hosing that pipes fluids throughout an entire manufacturing process at high pressures without leaks. This reliability is required as the hoses are installed and maintained routinely for high volume manufacturing.


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