Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Read a Map Is Not A Hard Job

Map of geography is one of the most useful results. City or country in the world just beyond the labels, terrain map, describe an important position, and dealing with the economy and culture of the region can provide more information. To take full advantage of the map, you should know how to read it.

First, you map it is important to know what type, the type of map you need. The most common type of map, political map, political boundary lines to create a map based - representing various paths, including military, city, state and country, and his script, some information on the types of roads, including information highway or dirt road. Backpack general physical and topographical information (shape and height of the area depicting the map) is now well understood. Statistical map Map this climate, economy, maps and a description of the resource map in different ways, depending on the information is used.

Once the user has the appropriate style of the map, the compass, the scalability and the key should refer to specific elements are selected to read it. Most maps in the right direction, its location on the map using the reader, pointing in the direction of the drum is equipped with a compass. The length scale of the map of the real world that represent what is interpreted. To calculate the trip, especially when the terrain map or physical Consulting can be very useful. Finally, the map key to interpret the various symbols on the map mean what. All this is important, but the statistical map orientation is especially important when queried.

Beyond a certain range of each map, some markers, such as the dominant local political boundaries and lines of latitude and longitude can be displayed. Political boundaries of the country, city, state, or see the divider. Global Positioning lines of latitude and longitude markers. This line is fixed and another map or map of the world with a wide variety of information provided to the player can be used.

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